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The water in the pump truck is drained, not afraid of pump truck burst in winter

作者:點(diǎn)擊:690 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-05-27

When the pump truck is feeding, do not move the oil pipe joints and concrete pipe joints. When a problem is found, stop the pump truck and relieve the pressure before solving the problem. When handling concrete pipe joints, the head should not be too close. Pay attention to the residual pressure of spraying the concrete. If the oil pipeline leaks, don't block it with your hands. Lessons learned from high-pressure oil delivery in the past. Do not hold the fabric hose with your hands during manufacture. Only use ropes if a small amount of lift is required. Do not stand under the cloth arm, always be aware of unexpected factors caused by the drop of the boom.

Every time the pump truck is used, it must be forced to drain, otherwise it will completely burst overnight. First of all, buy the hydraulic oil of the pump truck correctly. Buy hydraulic oil sensibly and try to buy hydraulic oil of the same grade as the original lubricant. Do not mix hydraulic fluids of different grades. Because the physical and chemical indicators of different levels of hydraulic oil are different. If mixed, chemical reactions can occur that corrode hydraulic components and damage hydraulic systems. If it is necessary to replace the original hydraulic oil with another hydraulic oil, the replacement hydraulic oil should be tested by the competent authority. The main technical indicators should be the same or similar to the original hydraulic oil specifications, and must not be mixed with the original hydraulic oil.

Turn off the hydraulic oil purification of the pump truck. An oil management card should be set up in the equipment management details, including oil quota and oil change records. Before storing hydraulic oil, it should be sampled and tested before storing acceptable oil. Backup hydraulic oil should be regularly sampled and tested. If it fails, it cannot be used. Oil depots should be stored in tiered order and cannot be mixed.

Because the pump truck relies on a hydraulic motor to provide power, the pump truck starts to get power from the hydraulic system. The operating button close to the control unit switches to the cleaning state, and the pump truck is ready for forced drainage. Drain the water tank, open the drain ball valve at the bottom of the tank, and wait for the water in the tank to flow out. Press and hold the forced drain button to observe the water outlet at the pump truck outlet. When the water supply and the pump truck outlet no longer flow out, the operation is completed and the water in the pump truck is completely drained.

According to the above process, the water in the pump truck is drained, and the pump truck is not afraid of breaking in winter. Just remember that every time you use the pump truck, you must drain it or it will completely break and become unusable overnight. In addition, it should be noted that during the forced drainage process of the pump truck, attention must be paid to the water outlet of the pump truck.

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